Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I've Been Tagged...

My new friend Natalie at Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers tagged me with some questions about myself. You must check out her blog. By the name alone, you can tell she is one funny girl. Her blog is too cute...and her son is too! She has some great recipes...one I have been dying to try - Avocado Buttermilk Soup.

On with the questions...
1. What is your signature color?
I pondered over this one for a while...I love color! Even though my home tends to be more neutral colors...with a little green/blue thrown in there. Of course, my daughter's room has plenty of color to go around! I would love to have a white, airy feel...but with a black and white dog & a messy 2 year old this seems like a lifetime away.

2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Honestly, my whole life is full of embarrassing moments...but I have nothing that sticks out!

3. Would you get anything pierced other than your ears? If so what?
Definitely not! It's not because I see anything wrong with it...but I am not one that can pull it off. You know we all have seen the types that can pull off a nose ring or an additional earring...and we all have seen the types that should not have gone there.

4. Are you a social butterfly or homebody?
I feel I would fall right in between these two. I do love going out to a swanky restaurant or seeing a fabulously, funny movie...every now and then. But, I absolutely love being at home with my hubby and daughter. While the summer TV lineup has been scarce, I have found solace in these two shows. A good book is always a winner!

Photo via here.

Photo via here.

Photo via here.

5. Are you done having babies or do you want more?
Well...this is still one in discussions. We have a 21 month old daughter, Carter. She truly is the "apple of my eye". While I love kids, I believe I could be completely content with only have one child. However, Carter beams when she is around other kids. It would be sweet to see her as a big sis. So the answer...undecided!

6. Are you loyal to your hairstylist or do you try every new salon in town?
A very good question...if asked 2 weeks ago I would have a completely different answer. I had been going to my hairstylist for 5+ years. While I have always been happy with the outcome, the process is what has been the strain. From start to finish it would take about 4 hours before I was walking out of the door. Pre-Carter this was really not an issue...I would take a book and get lost in it. But, now as all you moms know...time is precious! I tried a new salon (closer to me) 2 weeks ago for a Brazilian Blowout...and feel in love. I went back to get my color and my hairstylist was fast and worked with my schedule. I see this is the start of a beautiful relationship.

7. How many times have you moved in your life?
A grand total of 6 times: twice with my parents (within Nashville), 4 times with my husband (2 in Memphis and 2 in Orlando). I despise moving almost as much as I despise the show the Jersey Shore.

If you really care, photo via here.

8. If you could take a vacation for just you and your love where would it be?
By far this is my ideal of a perfect vacation spot...Santorini, Greece.

Photo via here.

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