Saturday, July 31, 2010

the Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes

I'm currently on a reading kick...I have been known to purchase books, start reading them and then get side-tracked with something else. As a result, I had numerous books that were either half read or never started. Back in April, I made a personal goal that I would finish reading all the books I had before purchasing another one. I went from book-to-book until I finished all of them...most were really good and I wondered why I waited so long. Since my reading frenzy was going strong, I started by shopping one book at a time. Some of my current favorites are here and here. Anyways, I've joined a book club and the current read is the following:

You can read about the book here.

1 comment:

A Wedding Story said...

Yes, I joined also and can't wait to read this book. It looks so good! Can't wait to make commentary about it girl!