Thursday, January 27, 2011

Children's Books

If there is one thing my daughter loves (besides Elmo and Abby), it is her books. She reads everywhere: in her bed, in her tent, in the car...and the latest spot on the potty! She had to go while she was reading and she just carried it with her. Who knows!
Anyways, most days you can find us reading in her room. I love introducing new books to her.
Recently, I heard about this book I decided to join. We got 9 new books for $12 + shipping. We are getting all these books plus a surprise book. I can't wait to surprise her!

1 comment:

Michele said...

Hi! I just randomly came across your blog. We love children's books in our house, too. You've named some classics. Since I'm a mommy to two little boys we don't have any of the princess books ;) Cute blog! I'm now following :)